Parent Support Group

Neurodiversity-Affirming Therapy for Caregivers of Autistic Children


Our lovely group room, the library at Haw Creek Commons, in the Haw Creek neighborhood of Asheville, NC.

Parents and caregivers of school-aged Autistic children (roughly 5-18 years old) are encouraged to join our weekly parent support group! Groups offer a profound level of validation, one that individual therapy simply can’t match. You are part of a community that understands!

Topics will be driven by individual group members’ interests and needs, but may include adjustment to new diagnoses, supporting children’s self-esteem and self-advocacy, parenting through child depression or anxiety, exploring academic options, trauma-sensitive parenting, accommodating children’s unique sensory systems, growing harmonious family relationships, supporting healthy autistic identity, understanding twice-exceptionality, and more!

Group is led by Danielle Maxonight, LCSW, a licensed child and family psychotherapist with 15 years of clinical experience supporting families. Danielle is neurodivergent herself and has received advanced training from Ausome Training in Ireland on supporting Autistic children and their families via emotionally safe, neurodiversity-affirming therapies.

Our group is capped at 10 parents total and will be semi-open, with chances for new parents to join only periodically. A month-by-month commitment allows for more continuity and trust to grow amongst group members week to week. Formal psychological or medical diagnosis of your child is not a requirement to participate; all parents of neurodivergent children are welcome!

Basic Logistics

  • Time: Wednesdays 10-11:30am. We’re open to newcomers on the first Wednesday of each month.

  • Location: Haw Creek Commons, 315 Old Haw Creek Road, Asheville, NC 28805. We’re about 15 minutes east of downtown Asheville, with free designated parking on site.

  • Cost: $55/week, with a month-by-month commitment (no refunds will be made for missed or cancelled sessions during the month). Participating couples are registered as 2 individuals ($110/week). Reduced group rate by request and as available, with BIPOC and multiply marginalized families prioritized.


Interested in joining us?

Please fill out the contact form below: